09:00 | MXT HideOut - Westerhaven 71 | Groningen, Netherlands


Physical Event
Starts: 15 Jan 2025
Ends: 16 Jan 2025

MXT stands for Move Forward with Tech and is the annual cross-tech conference held during ESNS on January 15-16 in Groningen. We bring together entrepreneurs, investors, and tech enthusiasts to explore the convergence of innovation and technology through meaningful connections. It’s a place for networking, innovation, and collaboration. So let’s kickstart your tech year in Groningen!

Digital innovations were once seen as a threat to the music industry. Today, we see that these challenges have led to groundbreaking innovations and new opportunities. MXT was born from the conviction that technology not only drives change but also fosters progress.

At MXT, we embrace this philosophy of creativity, innovation, and technological advancement. We believe that what the music world has achieved can also bring immense value to other sectors and industries. By integrating technology into conventional domains, we can explore new horizons, discover synergies, and create solutions that were once unthinkable.